Hot’lLanta is on it’s way back

With the warm weather approaching who wants to spend an enormous time in the kitchen? NOONE, right? Pick up Tracye’s Chicken Salad Dressing at Whole Foods in the Atlanta area. It’s really quick, very healthy and really, really “good – good”. I’m stuck on it. I tried it on a filet of Flounder Saturday and it was delightful, couldn’t get enough. I topped my filet with a mango salsa…YUM! Also like Tracye’s Culinary Creation on Facebook!

Tracye’s cooking!

Go see Tracye Carter – Cooking demo tomorrow Harry’s Farmers Market, Alpharetta 1:00-3:00
Using Tracye’s Chicken Salad Dressing is super easy! I’ll be there!

Tracye’s Chicken Salad Dressing “heart healthy”

Health experts say you can significantly reduce your risk of heart disease — the leading cause of death in the United States — by changing your diet, particularly by lowering your intake of saturated fats (which can raise artery-clogging cholesterol levels) and by increasing your intake of healthier unsaturated fats and essential fatty acids.

Healthy Fats

One way to reshape your diet is by choosing heart-healthy oils. Canola oil, which is made from the crushed seeds of the canola plant, is among the healthiest of cooking oils. It has the lowest saturated fat content of any oil commonly consumed in the U.S., at just 7%. By comparison, sunflower oil has 12% saturated fat, corn oil has 13%, and olive oil has 15%.

Although it’s low in saturated fat, canola oil is very high in healthy unsaturated fats. It’s an excellent source of the omega-6 fatty acid, linolenic acid, and it is higher in the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) than any other oil commonly used. These fats are particularly important in the diet because the human body can’t produce them.

Health Benefits of Canola Oil

Studies show that alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA, may help protect the heart by its effect on blood pressure, cholesterol, and inflammation. There is enough evidence of canola oil’s heart benefits that the FDA allows canola oil manufacturers to label their products with this qualified health claim:

“Limited and not conclusive scientific evidence suggests that eating about 1 1/2 tablespoons (19 grams) of canola oil daily may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease due to the unsaturated fat content in canola oil. To achieve this possible benefit, canola oil is to [sic] replace a similar amount of saturated fat and not increase the total number of calories you eat in a day. One serving of this product contains [x] grams of canola oil.”

Substituting canola oil for other fats in your diet is an easy way to help you eat healthier. One study shows that completely substituting canola oil and canola oil-based margarine for other oils and spreads can help adults meet the daily dietary recommendations for saturated and unsaturated fat. Switching to only canola-based products could reduce your saturated fat intake by almost 10%, and increase your ALA intake by nearly 73%, shows the study, published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

Tracye’s at it Again!


Roasted Potatoes using Tracye’s Chicken Salad Dressing! Very flavorful. This product makes everything easy and simple. As you know, the best things in life are simple. Why complicate anything but especially preparing a meal. Be it for yourself or for others, simplicity with a gourmet appeal is the way to go! Visit her website at In the Atlanta metropolitan area you can purchase her product at Whole Foods Market and Harry’s Farmers Market. Speaking of WFM (Whole Foods), she had her first “Some Like it Hot” event, featuring her delicious chicken salad dressing in a hot fashion! Needless to say creator of this fabulous dressing sold 4 cases to eager customers in less than 3 hours, so apparently, some do like it hot. Visit for upcoming events.

Some Like it Hot

Tracye Carter will be at Whole Foods this Friday for an amazing Some Like it Hot event! She is so creative with the recipes she has developed. What’s interesting she creates a new dish seemingly out of no where! Anyway, she’ll be at Whole Foods Market, Johns Creek, GA on Friday, Saturday, Whole Foods, Briarcliff & Lavista Rd. (10:00 am- 1:30 pm) and Whole Foods, Merchants Walk in Marietta, GA at 3:00 pm until 6:00 pm. Tracye will be COOKING using her Chicken Salad Dressing. Some like it cold, some like it hot, whatever the preference, she’s got you covered. I promise if you attend, you won’t be disappointed.

This evening I took a break from working and actually ate Tracye’s Chicken Salad by itself, straight out of the container, it was very good, I devoured it. It’s a must try.

Something Unique… I am excited

I met the most amazing lady a few weeks ago and now she’s my new client. Tracye Carter of Tracye’s Culinary Creations. We met at Whole Foods Market in Buckhead. She was promoting her Chicken Salad Dressing and all I can say is OMG! It was so good. I had never heard of a “Chicken Salad Dressing.” It’s as simple as adding the dressing to the cooked chicken of your choice, and you’re ready to eat. You’ve got to try it. I’m hear to tell you, it’s a winner! Check her out